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What’s the Difference Between Boxers And Boxer Briefs And Briefs?

Posted on August 10 2020

Ed's Fine Imports talks about the difference between boxers and boxer briefs, and which is right for you.

It’s become one of the most polarizing debates in the history of mankind. Aficionados of tighty whities can’t be swayed, boxer fans exude a smugness that comes from not following the crowd, and boxer-brief wearers figure they have the best of both worlds. But, in the end, despite all that loyalty, most people can’t say just what is the difference between boxers and boxer briefs and briefs.

Which One is Right for You - Boxers, Boxer Briefs or Briefs?

Of course, the simple answer for the men's underwear that any of us chooses is to go with whatever you prefer. But many men have never ventured away from the style their Moms put them into. They’re afraid of the dreaded discomfort and sense of ill-fitting underwear that they perceive from styles they’ve not tried.

So we’ve put together a little breakdown, based on fit and comfort, to help you choose before taking the leap into an entirely new style of underwear.



Wearing boxer shorts was popular before briefs were a thing, and their resurgence in popularity actually ended up spawning boxer briefs. Why? Because briefs wearers just didn’t get the support they expected when they tried to go back to boxers.

The excess fabric involved in boxers can reveal itself under your clothing a create even more discomfort. They do however provide breathability and are comfortable enough to wear to sleep. 


What's the difference between men's boxers, briefs or boxer briefs? Find out the answer to this age-old question here.



Support is the name of the game here. But it can easily be too much or too little. Even slight shifts in sizing after washes and wears can ‘cramp’ your style, or leave you ‘out there’. In other words, you either get lots of comfort from briefs, or none at all.  

Typically made from cotton and elastane, the slim waist and leg bands can lose their shape relatively easily.

Are you deciding between men's briefs, boxers or boxer briefs? Here are the differences.


Boxer Briefs

The design of the latest men's underwear style to appear on the scene benefits from knowing the comfort issues suffered by previous styles. From full coverage with no danger of anything making an unwanted appearance, to still giving you the feeling of freedom, they’re the perfect mix of boxers and briefs.

Coming in a variety of patterns and colours, they're great for all-day wear at the office, and made to last through a night on the town. 

Gitch Men's Boxer Briefs Underwear By Ed's Fine Imports

Featuring GITCH premium modal boxer briefs in Black.

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